Bug #44690
closedaddToList() nor working correctly for BE Users/Groups
When you define RTE settings in "Page TSconfig", you should be able to extend the on a per user/group basis with "User TSconfig".
Example: when using RTE.default.showButtons in Page TSconfig, you should be able to add buttons with "addToList ()". This works fine within "Page TSconfig".
However in "User TSconfig" the list of buttons defined in "Page TSconfig" is empty, so only those buttons are shown that are configured with addToList in "User TSconfig".
Updated by Oliver Hader almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
I'm not sure whether I got the correctly. So you have
in User TSconfig
RTE.default.showButtons := addToList(userTS)
in Page TSconfig
RTE.default.showButtons := addToList(pageTS)
Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Rejected
This is not an issue with the RTE.
This is not an issue, unless you are requesting a new feature.
In User TSConfig, you can override a value set in Page TSConfig, but you cannot refer to a value set in Page TSConfig.
Therefore, when you use the following syntax in User TSConfig:
page.RTE.default.showButtons := addToList(somebutton)
the left-hand side is the name of the User TSConfig property, not a reference to the Page TSConfig property.
If you add
page.RTE.default.showButtons := addToList(someotherbutton)
the final value of the User TSCongfig property will be 'somebutton,someotherbutton' and will not include any value set in Page TSConfig. However, it will override the corresponding Page TSConfig property.