Bug #45606
closedForms: Mail-Layout destroyed
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When a form-layout is adapted by custom wraps, there are errors in the sent e-mail. The same problems occur on the "confirmation page" where the user can see what he entered.
example TS-Setup:
tt_content.mailform.20 { stdWrap.wrap = <div class="meFormWrapper mailForm floatFull">|</div> layout { containerWrap ( <div class="textInputsWrap floatFull"> <elements /> </div> ) elementWrap ( <div class="meFormRow floatFull"> <element /> </div> ) mandatory ( <span class="required blueText"> <mandatoryvalue /> </span> ) error ( <span class="formError floatRight error"> <errorvalue /> </span> ) textline ( <div class="meFormRow floatFull"> <label /> <input /> </div> ) textarea ( <div class="meFormRow floatFull"> <label /> <textarea /> </div> ) checkbox ( <div class="meFormRow floatFull checkBox"> <div class="checkBoxWrap"> <span class="checkBoxElem"> <input /> <label/> </span> </div> </div> ) } }
Updated by Jan Loderhose almost 11 years ago
I can confirm this issue. I use
[...] layout { checkbox ( <input /> <label /> ) } [...]
in a form config to switch the order of labels and checkboxes. This results in
[...] <tr class=3D"csc-form-33 = csc-form-element csc-form-element-checkbox"> <input/> = <em>Some secret label text</e= m> </tr> [...]
Note the <input /> in the above snippet.
Edit: I use TYPO3 6.1.7
Updated by Felix Nagel almost 11 years ago
This issue seems to be related: #31951
Updated by Felix Nagel over 10 years ago
Fixed by: #31951 (at least for TYPO3 6.2.4)
Updated by Christian Kuhn about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Is Regression set to No
Seems to be fixed. Closed.