Bug #46728
closedADJUST in GIFBUILDER not working as documented
Hi Guys,
Referencing bug #13724, I am the one guy on the internet trying to use ADJUST in his GIFBUILDER objects, only to discover it doesn't work if implemented as documented.
My extension code is as follows:
$image = array(); $image['10'] = "IMAGE"; $image['10.']['file'] = 'GIFBUILDER'; $image['10.']['file.']['format'] = 'jpg'; $image['10.']['file.']['XY'] = "{$conf['width']},{$conf['height']}"; $image['10.']['file.']['backColor'] = '#ffffff'; $image['10.']['file.']['10'] = 'IMAGE'; $image['10.']['file.']['10.']['file'] = 'uploads/pics/'.$row['image']; $image['10.']['file.']['10.']['file.']['XY'] = '[10.w],[10.h]'; $image['10.']['file.']['10.']['file.']['width'] = ($conf['width']-20); $image['10.']['file.']['10.']['align'] = 'c,c'; $image['10.']['file.']['20'] = 'ADJUST'; $image['10.']['file.']['20.']['value']= 'inputLevels = 0, 200';
I tried various permutations of the value, nothing seemed to work. When I swapped it out for an EFFECT (gamma) it worked just fine, so my conclusion is the ADJUST is broken.
I went digging into the source and ended up at inputLevels() in the stdgraphics lib code. Here it seems that the following is called:
(Code here: https://github.com/TYPO3/TYPO3v4-Core/blob/master/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Imaging/GraphicalFunctions.php#L1957 )
$totalCols = ImageColorsTotal($im);
This returns 0 on true-colour images, which then fails to perform any adjustments.
Might be worth mentioning in the docs that this is not suitable for 256 colour images, and/or get someone smarter than me to make it work with any supplied image! :D
(Also I couldn't find the relevant tracker to add this to as a code bug, which is why it's here in the TS Ref tracker. Please move / repost / let me know which group is correct for this!)