Bug #49125
closedmakeCategorization - category
Hi i have the following issue:
it is written in the description for the new feature category:
$categoryUid = 1;
$tableName = 'tt_content';
$collection = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Category\Collection\CategoryCollection::load(
# Populates the entries directly on load, might be bad for memory on large collections
But if i just want to get the entrys for the tt_content table, it doesn't work.
For example if i have the following entries:
entry 1: tt_content table
entry 2: tx_myownextension table
in my category (mycategory).
if i would like to have only the entries from the tt_content table it doesnt work because it shows all the entries - in total 2. Isn't that wrong? It only has to show the entry for the tt_content table?
I figured out that the sql statement in typo3\sysext\core\Classes\Category\Collection\Category\CategoryCollection.php in line 110:
$resource = $this->getDatabase()->exec_SELECT_mm_query($this->getItemTableName() . '.*', self::$storageTableName, 'sys_category_record_mm', $this->getItemTableName(), 'AND ' . self::$storageTableName . '.uid=' . intval($this->getIdentifier()));
doesn't use the column given by parameter $tableName. so i changed it to:
$resource = $this->getDatabase()->exec_SELECT_mm_query($this->getItemTableName() . '.*', self::$storageTableName, 'sys_category_record_mm', $this->getItemTableName(), "AND tablenames = '".$this->getItemTableName()."' ".'AND ' . self::$storageTableName . '.uid=' . intval($this->getIdentifier()));
and now it works. is that correct or did you have other plans with $tableName ??