Bug #51154
closedRemove hard-coded colon from marker substitution
Please remove the hard coded colon (:) from marker substitution ###RESULT_NUMBER###
Updated by Thomas Skierlo over 11 years ago
same problem with ###SECTION_TITLE###
###PLACEHOLDER### keeps unresolved in template use.
Updated by Thomas Skierlo over 11 years ago
sorry, I forgot:
To cure some of the problems:
a) missing marker ###PLACEHOLDER### ===================================
In SearchFormController.php
$markerArray['###FORM_SUBMIT###'] = $this->pi_getLL('submit_button_label', '', 1);
$markerArray['###PLACEHOLDER###'] = $this->pi_getLL('placeholder', '', 1);
assuming that you either
1) added a 'placeholder' to your localization files (still locallang.xml)
2) added it via TS
_LOCAL_LANG.default { form_legend = Search rules_header = Search Help placeholder = Search Term } _LOCAL_LANG.de { form_legend = Suche rules_header = Hilfe zur Suche placeholder = Suchbegriff }
Please notice that currently the use of ###PLACEHOLDER### in the css-template (I didn't check the table based one from b/w TV age) is not working, because the 'property' is missing. For a html5 placeholder change the template of the input field to something like:
<input type="text" name="tx_indexedsearch[sword]" value="###SWORD_VALUE###" id="tx-indexedsearch-searchbox-sword" class="tx-indexedsearch-searchbox-sword sword" placeholder="###PLACEHOLDER###" />
Use css to hide it on focus, if you are a perfectionist :-)
Tested in a bi-lingual environment
b) Remove colon from section title:
around line #757
if (!trim($sectionName)) { // $sectionTitleLinked = $this->pi_getLL('unnamedSection', '', 1) . ':'; $sectionTitleLinked = $this->pi_getLL('unnamedSection', '', 1); } else { $onclick = 'document.' . $this->prefixId . '[\'' . $this->prefixId . '[_sections]\'].value=\'' . $theRLid . '\';document.' . $this->prefixId . '.submit();return false;'; // $sectionTitleLinked = '<a href="#" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars($onclick) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($sectionName) . ':</a>'; $sectionTitleLinked = '<a href="#" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars($onclick) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($sectionName) . '</a>'; }
c) Remove colon from ###RESULT_NUMBER###
around line #1684:
// $tmplContent['result_number'] = $this->conf['show.']['resultNumber'] ? $row['result_number'] . ': ' : ' '; $tmplContent['result_number'] = $this->conf['show.']['resultNumber'] ? $row['result_number'] : '';
Make sure to get rid of the 'forced Space (nbsp)' too.
@toDo: Remove p-tags around 'noresults'
Updated by Mathias Schreiber about 10 years ago
- Target version set to 7.5
- Is Regression set to No
Updated by Tilo Baller almost 10 years ago
Concerning the missing implementation for the ###PLACEHOLDER### marker: it was implemented in #28347 but for some reason the implementation in SearchController.php got lost. Maybe during the pi/ to Classes/ refactoring..
Besides, IMHO this ticket should be splitted in separate tickets as it addresses different problems.
And at least the unparsed markers should be fixed with target version 6.2 too, as they produce invalid HTML!
Updated by Mathias Schreiber over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
use the Fluid Rendering of IndexedSearch and override the template/partial