Bug #56411
closed_categories are not available in Typoscript for the HMENU.special=categories
the documentation for the new special-HMENU "categories" states that the id's of the selected categories should be accsessible as a getText/stdWrap with the field "_categories". see [[http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/latest/ContentObjects/Hmenu/#hmenu-special-categories]]
however, this is not the case:
the "_categories" are set in collectPages() function of CategoryMenuUtility.php but they never make it to Typoscript.
we've tracked down the issue to the modifyDBRow(&$row, $table) function in:
where the _categories entry gets removed form the array.
the modifyDBRow function is called in the start($data, $table = '') function in:
here's the relevant snippet of ContentObjectRenderer.php ~#523:
public function start($data, $table = '') { global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS; var_dump($data); //_categories are set if (is_array($data) && !empty($data) && !empty($table)) { \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Service\FrontendContentAdapterService::modifyDBRow($data, $table); } $this->data = $data; var_dump($this->data); //_categories are MISSING