Bug #59799
openEpic #90674: Backend UI not reflecting permissions
showPossibleLocalizationRecords does not work if parent language is not allowed for current BE-User
It seems that showPossibleLocalizationRecords does not work if currently logged-in BE-User does not have access to the language he tries to translate from.
For example:
- create a News-Element (tx_news) with a media element in default language
- switch to a non-admin user which does not have the default language in his "(user or group-)allowed languages" settings
- now, localization is possible by clicking "localize all records" but the possible localization are not shown before do the localization
This is not very usable for editors. Mostly they will not click this button without any preview of possible localizations.
I've tried but was unable to find the corresponding code in ./typo3_src/typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Form/Element/InlineElement.php
Kind regards, David.
Updated by Andreas Allacher about 10 years ago
I have the same issue.
The problem seems to be that in "public function renderForeignRecord($parentUid, $rec, $config = array()) {"
There is the check "if (!$this->checkAccess(($isNewRecord ? 'new' : 'edit'), $foreign_table, $rec['uid'])) {"
However, this is also done for virtual records which, of course, will fail if one has no access to default language.
If the record is virtual, it should be enough if we have read access instead "if ($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->check('tables_select', $table)) {"
Updated by Christian Eßl almost 5 years ago
- Related to Bug #87238: TCA inline element translation with language restriction not possible added
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi almost 5 years ago
I report here the description of the issue #87238 to keep track of it
TCA inline element translation with language restriction not possible
TYPO3 8.7.22
Custom extensionIf you try to localize a record with inline relations and your user does have a language restriction it is not possible to > enter the localized record if you have the option showPossibleLocalizationRecords = true.
The localized record tries to 'showPossibleLocalizationRecords' from the inline element, but the user is not allowed to > access these records.We had to remove the option to showPossibleLocalizationRecords, after that the editor was able to access the translated record. We added the behaviour => localizeChildrenAtParentLocalization to get the child elements from the inline property, but we are not able to see more possible records to translate in this view with the given language restriction.