Bug #60754
closedNo fileusage (sys_file_reference) found for given UID.
Error Message: No fileusage (sys_file_reference) found for given UID.
Error Description: http://wiki.typo3.org/Exception/CMS/1317178794
This happens to me upon adding a picture to a page using the 'create new relation' button in page properties on the 'resources' tab. I am sure that this is a bug in TYPO3 (I am on 6.2.4).
The error all of a sudden shows for all pages that have an image set in 'resources' after adding one additional image to the page via resources tab (files > media).
System: TYPO3 6.2.4
Updated by Mario Colombo over 10 years ago
I finally found the cause to this issue:
I am using typoscript to extract page information for Facebook OpenGraph (http://blog.typodrive.com/2014/07/22/opengraph-tags-in-typo3/) like this:
page.2.pageMedia.cObject = IMG_RESOURCE
page.2.pageMedia.cObject {
file {
import = uploads/media/
import.data = levelmedia:-1, slide
treatIdAsReference = 1
import.listNum = 0
import.override.field = media
Since FAL import.override.field does not work anymore and leads to the error in question. As described here (http://jweiland.net/typo3/typoscript/bild-aus-den-seiteneigenschaften-auslesen-ab-typo3-60.html) the right way to do is this:
page.2.pageMedia.cObject = IMG_RESOURCE
page.2.pageMedia.cObject {
file {
import.data = levelmedia:-1, slide
treatIdAsReference = 1
Updated by Witali Rott over 10 years ago
I think this is an Error in the FAL Extension.
Sometimes is the media Field in $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->rootLine only 1. And sometimes there is the right value like 1432.
[1] => Array ( [pid] => 1 [uid] => 2 [t3ver_oid] => 0 [t3ver_wsid] => 0 [t3ver_state] => 0 [title] => Home [alias] => [nav_title] => [media] => 1 [layout] => 0 [hidden] => 0 [starttime] => 0 [endtime] => 0 [fe_group] => [extendToSubpages] => 0 [doktype] => 1 [TSconfig] => [storage_pid] => 583 [is_siteroot] => 0 [mount_pid] => 0 [mount_pid_ol] => 0 [fe_login_mode] => 0 [backend_layout_next_level] => [tx_realurl_pathsegment] => [tx_realurl_exclude] => 1 [tx_realurl_pathoverride] => 0 [tx_typo3blog_blogrolls] => )
I don't know where the value be set.
Updated by Witali Rott over 10 years ago
I know this is don't a nice fix, but its work.
The Problem is the FE Cache. The field media in Pages often not resolved with sys_file_reference and returns a 1.
My Patch check if the field media is a 1 and get the right value from the table sys_file_reference.
Updated by Benni Mack about 10 years ago
- Category set to File Abstraction Layer (FAL)
- Status changed from New to Accepted
- Assignee set to Benni Mack
- Target version set to 7.2 (Frontend)
Question is, what to do with levelmedia since FAL.
Updated by Benni Mack over 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 7.2 (Frontend) to 7.4 (Backend)
Updated by Susanne Moog over 9 years ago
- Target version changed from 7.4 (Backend) to 7.5
Updated by Oliver Hader about 9 years ago
Witali Rott wrote:
I know this is don't a nice fix, but its work.
The Problem is the FE Cache. The field media in Pages often not resolved with sys_file_reference and returns a 1.
My Patch check if the field media is a 1 and get the right value from the table sys_file_reference.
Thanks for your patch. The intention is correct however unfortunately not the patch. The "1" in this regard is the reference count, telling that one image is being used in a particular field.
The proper place for resolving these rootline values can be cound in the class RootlineUtility.
Updated by Oliver Hader about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Closed
Quite sure that issue #63353 and the referenced patch there solves this issue.