Task #62668
closedOptimize Reports Module
This is a follow-up issue for #62614
The new reports module contains icons in the section title if a warning or an error in the section occurred.
I would prefer to add an icon every time. Attached is a screenshot which shows the currently possible icons and classes.
The second task is to decide if we use the implemented tables to show the informations or an other kind of HTML code.
1a) We have to decide: show anytime an icon or never?
1b) Which icons? monochrome or color icons?
2) Use tables or another HTML?
Updated by Georg Ringer over 10 years ago
it would be kind of nice having a checkbox to select hiding reports with status ok.
that should be also even default?
background: normally I am just interested in the stuff which should be fixed/where some error happens...
Updated by Frank Nägler over 10 years ago
@Georg I agree, but I would not use a checkbox, I would collapse all "OK" Sections by default and open only with status warning or error
Updated by Frank Nägler over 10 years ago
Comment from Felix:
Why did you not create a single table for headline? Currently the output is not improved from my opinion. The view is to long, sections can not be seen/scanned quickly. The view is worse in my opinion since users now have to read the headline, then the line below and after that read to the right for every line! Top, down, right, top, down, right.
The table before had a good structure: read the headlines top to bottom or read the status result top to bottom.
Also the semantic structure is not correct because message title is not the table header. Table header should describe the type of content of the cell - because of that the table headers are not on the status color bg.
I am not happy with this result and propose to create one table per section/headline.
+ Add table header for the type (left: Test, right: Status).
+ Create a table row per test with two cells. Long description text should be in Status or Test col
Updated by Frank Nägler over 10 years ago
- File Report.png Report.png added
- Assignee set to Frank Nägler
- File Report.png Report.png added
I have attached a screenshot for a possible new version. (Report.png)
@Felix: imo I have included all your remarks. Can you please look at the screenshot and give feedback?
Updated by Frank Nägler over 10 years ago
- File Report_Variante2.png Report_Variante2.png added
- File Report_Variante2.png Report_Variante2.png added
Updated by Felix Kopp over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Accepted
+ Table with rows needed in reports module (accepted)
+ I see no positive effect caused by the icon - also I see no need to collapse+expand
Updated by Gerrit Code Review over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Under Review
Patch set 1 for branch master of project Packages/TYPO3.CMS has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at http://review.typo3.org/33927
Updated by Gerrit Code Review over 10 years ago
Patch set 2 for branch master of project Packages/TYPO3.CMS has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at http://review.typo3.org/33927
Updated by Gerrit Code Review over 10 years ago
Patch set 3 for branch master of project Packages/TYPO3.CMS has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at http://review.typo3.org/33927
Updated by Gerrit Code Review over 10 years ago
Patch set 4 for branch master of project Packages/TYPO3.CMS has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at http://review.typo3.org/33927
Updated by Gerrit Code Review over 10 years ago
Patch set 5 for branch master of project Packages/TYPO3.CMS has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at http://review.typo3.org/33927
Updated by Frank Nägler over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Under Review to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 310e750e5b05c1d53e1f4cfa3c8ab9a08906c731.
Updated by Gerrit Code Review about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Under Review
Patch set 1 for branch master of project Packages/TYPO3.CMS has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at http://review.typo3.org/34008
Updated by Gerrit Code Review about 10 years ago
Patch set 2 for branch master of project Packages/TYPO3.CMS has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at http://review.typo3.org/34008
Updated by Frank Nägler about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Under Review to Resolved
Applied in changeset 76f9a4f3d76a5d13146a1b8b0e9a60d53c026f97.
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed