Bug #62930
closedRTE maxWidth for magic images
The page TS-Config setting:
RTE.default.buttons.image.options.magic.maxWidth = 648
doesn't currently not work. The reason is burried in the change to use FAL instead of previous handling of magic images. In the backend the RTE pageTS config is retrieved in "backend/Classes/Form/Element/TextElement.php": https://git.typo3.org/Packages/TYPO3.CMS.git/blob/HEAD:/typo3/sysext/backend/Classes/Form/Element/TextElement.php#l86
The method "RTEsetup" in Backend utility retrieves the proper page TS config section:
You see that it uses the section "RTE.default" while in the FAL new magic image just the page-TS-config "RTE" section is used:
I guess it would be sufficient to just directly use ".default" subsection. Maybe the ".FE" section should get overlaid but I assume the ".FE" section of RTEhtmlarea TS-Config is intended for FE editing.