Bug #66881
closedLink from MS Word leads always to home.html
This report is about TYPO3 CMS 6.2.12 with PHP Version 5.4.27 on a UNIX server.
- Our employees sometimes exchange MS Office 2010 Word documents where they have several links to protected pages of a TYPO3 CMS 6.2.12 website.
- The website has a login feature which works like the following:
0. User wants to call a URL to a protected page of the website mentioned above.
1. She/he lands on the login page and in browser you have URL: http://typo3installation.com/home.html?referer=<path_to_protected_page>
2. After providing her/his login data she/he will get redirected to the protected page.
[Case A]
We assume that the user is not logged in to the TYPO3 website mentionend above.
If the user subsequently clicks several links to protected pages from a MS Office 2010 Word document the following happens:
1. First link: Same behavior mentioned above by steps 0 to 2. Keep in mind that user now is logged in.
2. Second and all other links: User always gets redirected to the following URL http://typo3installation.com/home.html?referer=<path_to_protected_page>, but she/he is already logged in...
----> hence she/he can never reach the page.
[Case B]
We assume that the user is logged in to the TYPO3 website mentionend above.
If the user subsequently clicks several links to protected pages from a MS Office 2010 Word document the following happens:
Every link (so also the first link) leads to http://typo3installation.com/home.html?referer=<path_to_protected_page> --> hence user never reaches the wished page.
Our current fix:¶
We have put on the page where the login is a little plugin doing the following in its controller:
if ('' !== GeneralUtility::_GET('referer') && is_string(GeneralUtility::_GET('referer')) && NULL !== $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user && isset($GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['username']) && !headers_sent()) { $this->redirectToUri(GeneralUtility::_GET('referer')); exit; }
Please have a look onto this as I think it is crucial for a CMS to have a proper link handling.
Calling the links to protected pages from a simple html document works.