Bug #67534
closedInlineRelations: "Create new record after" should be hidden for File-References
When editing a record with inline-relations, every inline-record (IRRE-Element) has a "Create new record after" icon/button.
This does not really make sense for inline-file-references (FAL-references), as in that case by clicking only an empty file-reference is added, without any option to select a file to reference with it.
Adding IRRE-file-references using the "Create new relation" or "Select & Upload files" works fine, but using the "Create new record after" of any of the IRRE-Elements there is no possibility to select a file to reference to.
I see 2 possible solutions:
1) Remove the "Create new record after"-button for IRRE-elements of type file-reference or
2) Provide an option to select a file directly in the IRRE-element.