Bug #69649
closedInfo Module - Localisation Overview is broken
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It is not possible to create new Alternative Page Languages in the info module.
Additinally there are some other flaws as well:
Steps to reproduce
- Create at least one system language
- select a not yet localized page
- go to info module
- Choose Localization overview in the dropdown
- Choose a specific language or ALL in the language dropdown
- If you hover over the pencil behind the default label it states "Edit all page properties" but if you click it only a subset of properties are editable.
- The plus icon behind the other language(s) states on hover: "Create new translation headers" when in fact a new page_language_overlay record is created.
- If you dont check the checkbox and click on the plus sign you end up on an empty page with the abort and save icons on top having no functionality.
- If you check the checkbox and click the plus icon you are on a page that states "Create new Alternative Page Language on page ..." but you cant save the record.
Updated by Daniel Goerz over 9 years ago
- Parent task set to #69617
- Is Regression changed from No to Yes
The main bug (Nr.4 in the list from the description) is a formEngine regression.
Additionally it is not possible to create new page translations in list module either.
Updated by Daniel Goerz over 9 years ago
Daniel Goerz wrote:
- If you check the checkbox and click the plus icon you are on a page that states "Create new Alternative Page Language on page ..." but you cant save the record.
In fact a bunch of JavaScript errors occure.
Updated by Christian Kuhn over 9 years ago
The main issue in FormEngine is fixed with the related issue. is the rest of the issue still FormEngine related and a regression of the main patch?
Updated by Daniel Goerz over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
I'll create a new ticket for the minor bugs. This one is resolved for now.
Updated by Riccardo De Contardi over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed