Bug #70208
closedEpic #69955: Optimize new Extbase/ Fluid based rewrite of EXT:form
EXT:form - Problems with radiogroup in email
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Sprint Focus:
If I use a radiogroup I get in the email the labels plus the value, if the value is empty I get the automatic generated one.
That's just in the email.
For example without value: Anrede Herr3
If I write the "Herr" as value in TS: Anrede HerrHerr
Updated by Björn Jacob over 9 years ago
- Priority changed from Should have to Must have
- Sprint Focus set to On Location Sprint
Updated by Björn Jacob over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee deleted (
Ralf Zimmermann)
I cannot reproduce the problem. For testing I've used this setup:
enctype = multipart/form-data method = post prefix = tx_form confirmation = 1 postProcessor { 1 = mail 1 { recipientEmail = senderEmail = } } 10 = RADIOGROUP 10 { class = fieldset-subgroup legend { value = Radio group 1 (with values) } name = radiogroup1 10 = RADIO 10 { label { value = Option 1 } } 20 = RADIO 20 { label { value = Option 2 } } 30 = RADIO 30 { label { value = Option 3 } } } 20 = RADIOGROUP 20 { class = fieldset-subgroup legend { value = Radio group 1 (without values) } name = radiogroup2 10 = RADIO 10 { label { value = Option 1 } value = option4 } 20 = RADIO 20 { label { value = Option 2 } value = option5 } 30 = RADIO 30 { label { value = Option 3 } value = option6 } } 100 = SUBMIT 100 { name = submit value = Submit }
If you think there is still something not working please re-open the issue. We're happy to help you.
Updated by Anja Leichsenring about 9 years ago
- Sprint Focus deleted (
On Location Sprint)