Bug #76519
closedExtbase not respecting l10n_mode = mergeIfNotBlank for mm relations
Suppose we have the following field declaration in our TCA (taken from the news extension):
'categories' => [ 'exclude' => 1, 'l10n_mode' => 'mergeIfNotBlank', 'label' => $ll . 'tx_news_domain_model_news.categories', 'config' => [ 'type' => 'select', 'renderType' => 'selectTree', 'treeConfig' => [ 'dataProvider' => \GeorgRinger\News\TreeProvider\DatabaseTreeDataProvider::class, 'parentField' => 'parent', 'appearance' => [ 'showHeader' => true, 'allowRecursiveMode' => true, 'expandAll' => true, 'maxLevels' => 99, ], ], 'MM' => 'sys_category_record_mm', 'MM_match_fields' => [ 'fieldname' => 'categories', 'tablenames' => 'tx_news_domain_model_news', ], 'MM_opposite_field' => 'items', 'foreign_table' => 'sys_category', 'foreign_table_where' => ' AND (sys_category.sys_language_uid = 0 OR sys_category.l10n_parent = 0) ORDER BY sys_category.sorting', 'size' => 10, 'autoSizeMax' => 20, 'minitems' => 0, 'maxitems' => 99, ] ],
Let's say I have a news entry in the default langauge with some categories selected.
Now I translate that news to let's say french.
In my translation no categories are selected, which is correct because of mergeIfNotBlank.
But when I look at the categories of the translated Article from Fluid or my Extbase controller they're empty when they should inherit from the Article in the default language.
If I add some categories to my translated Article naturally those are shown in the frontend.
Btw: I have tried with both translated categories and with language set to [ALL]
Updated by Daniel Goerz over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
As agreed upon on slack, I close this ticket as duplicate of #62921. Please continue the discussion over there.