Bug #77647
opengetControllerActionName in extbase\Classes\Mvc\Request.php forbit ActionNames in LowerCamelCase
The documentation allow lowerCamelCase for actionnames within the controller.
https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/ExtbaseGuide/singlehtml/ (last visit 2016-08-27-19:30)
"_.... allowed Actions are registered in ext_localconf.php and thenceforth only referenced by name. For example, list, show, detail, update, edit, delete. These names are also used within the page Uri. Within the ActionController, a lowerCamelCase name is required for every action: for example, the action list refers to the method listAction: ...._
The Function getControllerActionName in extbase\Classes\Mvc\Request.php tests not with lcfirst for lowerCamelCase. It tests for general lowercase with strtolower.
public function getControllerActionName() { $controllerObjectName = $this->getControllerObjectName(); if ($controllerObjectName !== '' && $this->controllerActionName === strtolower($this->controllerActionName)) { $actionMethodName = $this->controllerActionName . 'Action'; $classMethods = get_class_methods($controllerObjectName); if (is_array($classMethods)) { foreach ($classMethods as $existingMethodName) { if (strtolower($existingMethodName) === strtolower($actionMethodName)) { $this->controllerActionName = substr($existingMethodName, 0, -6); break; } } } } return $this->controllerActionName; }
current work around:
Use only one-name-actions with no upper-case-character
The usage of 'lcfirst' instead of 'strtoLower' would allow a lowerCaseWriting. You must extend although the allcocation of $this->controllerActionName to prevent error because of misspelling (untested version)
public function getControllerActionName() { $controllerObjectName = $this->getControllerObjectName(); if ($controllerObjectName !== '' && $this->controllerActionName === lcfirst($this->controllerActionName)) { $actionMethodName = $this->controllerActionName . 'Action'; $classMethods = get_class_methods($controllerObjectName); if (is_array($classMethods)) { foreach ($classMethods as $existingMethodName) { if (lcfirst($existingMethodName) === lcfirst($actionMethodName)) { $this->controllerActionName = lcfirst(substr($existingMethodName, 0, -6)); break; } } } } return $this->controllerActionName; }
I Think, the better way would be to throw an exception to announce the misconfiguration.
untested version
/** * Returns the name of the action the controller is supposed to execute. * * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentNameException * @return string Action name * @api */ public function getControllerActionName() { $controllerObjectName = $this->getControllerObjectName(); if ($controllerObjectName !== '') { if ($this->controllerActionName === lcfirst($this->controllerActionName)) { throw new \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Exception\InvalidArgumentNameException('No lowerCamelCase for action in request or configuration.', 58976458767); } $actionMethodName = $this->controllerActionName . 'Action'; $classMethods = get_class_methods($controllerObjectName); if (is_array($classMethods)) { foreach ($classMethods as $existingMethodName) { if ($existingMethodName === lcfirst($existingMethodName)) { throw new \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Exception\InvalidArgumentNameException('No lowerCamelCase for action in request or configuration.', 58976458767); } if ($existingMethodName === $actionMethodName) { $this->controllerActionName = substr($existingMethodName, 0, -6); break; } } } } return $this->controllerActionName; }