



Task #77854


Additional hook for \TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList

Added by Xavier Perseguers almost 8 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Should have
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This ticket will gather the description of why XCLASS is needed for \TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList.

Currently gridelements is XCLASSing as well my own (private) extension, fortunately not at the same place but since I'm now relying on gridelements, I need to XCLASS an XCLASS and this naturally is even more ugly than the XCLASS in the first place.


dashboard.png (98.3 KB) dashboard.png Xavier Perseguers, 2016-09-05 15:51
fieldlist.png (32.9 KB) fieldlist.png Xavier Perseguers, 2016-09-05 15:51

Updated by Xavier Perseguers almost 8 years ago

Private extension from Xavier

Need for Hook 1

First thing I need is hooking at the end of method start() in order to post-process content of field HTMLcode. Goal is to show a "dashboard" at the beginning of the list of tables:

Need for Hook 2

Other hook I need is to post-process method renderListHeader(). This time I cannot simply call parent::renderListHeader() and existing hook $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['typo3/']['actions'] cannot be used because I need to change content of variable $icon which is not part of the available parameters to the hook, thus I changed this:

        // 17.07.2012/XP: Single modification in this overriden method!
        $this->postProcessIcon($table, $icon);

        // Create and return header table row:
        return $this->addelement(1, $icon, $theData, ' class="c-headLine"', '');

Need for Hook 3

I'm changing method fieldSelectBox() to allow the list of additional fields to be reorganised and their name get prefixed by the FormEngine tab they appear on:

Actions #2

Updated by Jo Hasenau almost 8 years ago

Sounds reasonable - so I will check, if those hooks will fit Gridelements as well, or if we might need another one.
In general there are not enough hooks in the list module while page module or data handler provide quite a lot of them.
So I really would like to replace XCLASS with hooks in Gridelements as well, since the XCLASS was somehow enforced but definitely not planned like that.

Actions #3

Updated by Susanne Moog over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

As nothing happened here for two years and this ticket is a mix of (at least) three feature requests, I'm going to close the ticket now. If the hooks are still needed, please open new feature requests per hook.


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