



Feature #78665


Custom entry point without request handling

Added by Claus Due about 8 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

Should have
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This one is a bit technical, but essentially, the idea is to provide an entry point (php file) which can be included from third-party scripts which reside in vendor/bin in order to fully bootstrap a TYPO3 environment without doing any request processing.

The result is that including or requiring this entry point in a vendor/bin-installed script gives a fully bootstrapped TYPO3 environment with zero output and no actions performed on inputs. What this means is that all TYPO3 configuration, constants, environment and other information such as the ability to use ExtensionManagementUtility, CacheManager, database connection using TYPO3 implementation and much, much more.

The actual use case for this is as follows:

./vendor/bin/fluid --renderingContext "TYPO3\\CMS\\Fluid\\Core\\Rendering\\RenderingContext" \
    --templateRootPaths typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Templates/ \
    --layoutRootPaths typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Layouts/ \
    --partialRootPaths typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Partials/ \
    --bootstrap typo3/sysext/backend/Resources/Private/Php/custom.php \

To briefly explain this code: when both TYPO3 and Fluid are installed as composer dependencies, Fluid's cache warmup feature can be fully utilised even though templates may depend on any number of TYPO3 context and settings. What the command does is create an instance of the desired RenderingContext (and with that, the cache that contains the compiled templates). Before it attempts to create any instances it will include the "bootstrap" file passed to the argument - and this bootstrap contains a custom application bootstrapping which avoids all request handling. Phew.

An example output of the above command after implementing a CustomApplication and custom.php entry point:

Template cache warmup results

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? YES
    Compiled as: Default_action_Bullets_3eb416223e9e69e6bb8ee19793911ad1ad2027d8

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? NO
    Compiled as: Default_action_Default_3eb416223e9e69e6bb8ee19793911ad1ad2027d8

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? YES
    Compiled as: Default_action_Div_3eb416223e9e69e6bb8ee19793911ad1ad2027d8

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? YES
    Compiled as: Default_action_Header_3eb416223e9e69e6bb8ee19793911ad1ad2027d8

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? NO
    Compiled as: Default_action_HeaderOnly_3eb416223e9e69e6bb8ee19793911ad1ad2027d8

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? YES
    Compiled as: Default_action_Html_3eb416223e9e69e6bb8ee19793911ad1ad2027d8

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? YES
    Compiled as: Default_action_List_3eb416223e9e69e6bb8ee19793911ad1ad2027d8

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? YES
    Compiled as: Default_action_Menu_3eb416223e9e69e6bb8ee19793911ad1ad2027d8

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? YES
    Compiled as: Default_action_Shortcut_3eb416223e9e69e6bb8ee19793911ad1ad2027d8

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? YES
    Compiled as: Default_action_Table_3eb416223e9e69e6bb8ee19793911ad1ad2027d8

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? NO
    Compiled as: Default_action_Textmedia_3eb416223e9e69e6bb8ee19793911ad1ad2027d8

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? YES
    Compiled as: Default_action_Uploads_3eb416223e9e69e6bb8ee19793911ad1ad2027d8

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? NO
    Compiled as: partial_Footer_b2f76314f282448bb66fc604bb8f8a452770a0f6

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? NO
    Compiled as: partial_Header_52ce7bcf5b3a09af444e6e09839b85f205cb54e7

    Compiled? NO
    Has Layout? NO
    Compiled as: partial_MediaGallery_04a215c8ce3cf375fc4b5c62677a916337227690

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? NO
    Compiled as: layout_ContentFooter_html_8c10fcca645b093474ea01970e6021ca72cad302

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? NO
    Compiled as: layout_HeaderContentFooter_html_edab70f1f436cd3e36f02a82ab5525259546d7d2

    Compiled? YES
    Has Layout? NO
    Compiled as: layout_HeaderFooter_html_43f125fff304805a22647b1d1be8ffb6c2493056

As you can see from this output, with a VERY simple bootstrapping Fluid (and a lot of other third-party applications like typo3_console!) some quite significant integrations become possible, between an installed TYPO3 site and utilities installed as composer dependencies.


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