Bug #80046
closedFE broken with postgres
Looks as if colPos is not encapsulated in " properly.
An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT * FROM "tt_content" WHERE ("tt_content"."pid" IN (1)) AND (colPos=0) AND ("tt_content"."sys_language_uid" = 0) AND (("tt_content"."deleted" = 0) AND ("tt_content"."t3ver_state" <= 0) AND ("tt_content"."pid" <> -1) AND ("tt_content"."hidden" = 0) AND ("tt_content"."starttime" <= 1488218520) AND (("tt_content"."endtime" = 0) OR ("tt_content"."endtime" > 1488218520)) AND ((("tt_content"."fe_group" = '') OR ("tt_content"."fe_group" IS NULL) OR ("tt_content"."fe_group" = '0') OR ('0' = ANY)) OR ('-1' = ANY))))) ORDER BY "sorting" ASC': SQLSTATE42703: Undefined column: 7 ERROR: column "colpos" does not exist LINE 1: ...t_content" WHERE ("tt_content"."pid" IN (1)) AND (colPos=0) ... ^