Feature #82559
Configurable discovery (path/name) in CommandUtility for tools like python
Added by Stefan Neufeind about 7 years ago.
Updated almost 7 years ago.
In typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Utility/CommandUtility.php holds list of self::$applications which specify on how to call that binary. So as soon as an extension (like EXT:sphinx) wants to call "python" it has a central point to find a path and possibly also name for that binary.
On some systems the autodetection might fail. Or you might have several versions installed in parallel which have a slightly changed binary name. For older CentOS-version for example there is a python-version 3.4 that can be installed in parallel but "python" is still the original 2.x-version and "python3.4" is the one for python 3.4.
We should invent some way to configure certain commands for which not to use auto-detection but instead provide a fixed path/name. And/or we might want to create a hook where an extension could offer such functionality.
Hack for that mentioned case where "python3.4" needs to be called instead:
// Unix-like OS
$filePath = realpath($path . $cmd);
if ($filePath && @is_executable($filePath)) {
if ($cmd == 'python') {
self::$applications[$cmd]['app'] = 'python3.4';
} else {
self::$applications[$cmd]['app'] = $cmd;
self::$applications[$cmd]['path'] = $path;
self::$applications[$cmd]['valid'] = true;
return true;
As far as I understand these special assignements are dependend on server (or installation).
So this array should be configurable instead of hardcoded in the core.
Sure it should. The question stands if we want to have such configuration-options provided by the core or find that "nobody needed it so far" so that a hook-point for an extension would suffice.
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Hi Stefan,
As far as I understand your problem, you want to configure SYS -> binSetup. I think your configuration is already possible. Am I right?
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Rejected
Oh, great! Works as expected. Tested on CentOS 6 with TYPO3 6.2.x and CentOS 7 with TYPO3 8 LTS - where using binSetup worked fine to point them to a python3.4. Although Sphinx said it should work on a Python 2.7 it didn't work for me with the 2.7-version that CentOS 7 ships (default-python). But they also have a python34.
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