Bug #82735
closedProblem with Feature: #73409 - Auto-render Assets sections
Hello there,
we have a problem regarding above mentioned feature. We use the extension news and have a category list which links to a RSS feed page. It always works once, right after the cache is cleared, but when hitting browser back and selecting another category we get the error:
PHP Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /var/www/typo3_system/typo3_sources/typo3_src-8.7.7/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/Core/ViewHelper/ViewHelperResolver.php line 92
In the TRACE we see:
renderSection("HeaderAssets", array, boolean)
addNamespace("content", NULL)
Since adding header or footer sections is somewhat meaningless when rendering plain RSS-Feed-XML anyway, I wonder if we can just disable the Asset Auto render on that page? Any Typoscript for that?
Updated by Claus Due over 7 years ago
I have a suspicion I'd like to confirm, but before I go digging too deep:
1. Could you please either paste or link the template that gets rendered when this happens?
2. Can you confirm that this also happens with the same category RSS feed if you flush the page cache only and reload? This is to check that the problem is triggered from the compiled template and is not dependent on input values.
Those two bits of information should help me fix this one. I suspect it needs a fix in Fluid but I need to know the actual cause to know what the proper fix should be.
Updated by SICOR KDL GmbH over 7 years ago
thanks for looking into this. We didn't modify the template thus far, it's plain ext/news/Resources/Private/Templates/News/List.xml
Should be online here: https://github.com/georgringer/news/blob/master/Resources/Private/Templates/News/List.xml
The first choosen category works constantly, even when browser back is hit. To choose another category, hitting the red "All Cache" button is required, the green "Frontend cache" button has no effect in the scenario.
Updated by SICOR KDL GmbH over 7 years ago
- Precedes Bug #82957: Render Bug in typo3temp/var/Cache/Code/fluid_template added
Updated by Simon Ouellet about 7 years ago
I have the same problem too.
After a search, I've found that the Fluid team might have fixed the bug.
Updated by Claus Due almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Fixed a while ago in https://github.com/TYPO3/Fluid/commit/9772be318df13be8cc2e5b6e46b9a510220739b9 - is included in all most recent releases of TYPO3 v8 and up.