Task #83120
closedEpic #82226: PHP 7.2
TYPO3 7.6 support PHP 7.2
PHP 7.2 ist not fully supported by TYPO3 7.6 yet.
Unit Test not working:
[27-Nov-2017 15:34:58 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Declaration of SebastianBergmann\Comparator\DOMNodeComparator::assertEquals($expected, $actual, $delta = 0, $canonicalize = false, $ignoreCase = false) must be compatible with SebastianBergmann\Comparator\ObjectComparator::assertEquals($expected, $actual, $delta = 0, $canonicalize = false, $ignoreCase = false, array &$processed = Array) in /var/www/web/vendor/sebastian/comparator/src/DOMNodeComparator.php on line 110
Fatal error: Declaration of SebastianBergmann\Comparator\DOMNodeComparator::assertEquals($expected, $actual, $delta = 0, $canonicalize = false, $ignoreCase = false) must be compatible with SebastianBergmann\Comparator\ObjectComparator::assertEquals($expected, $actual, $delta = 0, $canonicalize = false, $ignoreCase = false, array &$processed = Array) in /var/www/web/vendor/sebastian/comparator/src/DOMNodeComparator.php on line 110
Backend Login breaks cause of missing condition for count() function.
Ticket as wrapper for all PHP 7.2 related fixeds in TYPO3 7.6.
Updated by Stephan Großberndt about 7 years ago
- Related to Epic #82226: PHP 7.2 added
Updated by Gerrit Code Review about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Under Review
Patch set 2 for branch TYPO3_7-6 of project Packages/TYPO3.CMS has been pushed to the review server.
It is available at https://review.typo3.org/54910
Updated by Christian Kuhn about 7 years ago
- Status changed from Under Review to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset e0ff86ab6843c5f34b2b37691e316ef26f118e69.