Bug #87615
closedVariants don't use the finisherIdentifier for condition evaluation
The docs (https://github.com/TYPO3/TYPO3.CMS/blob/9.5/typo3/sysext/core/Documentation/Changelog/9.4/Feature-84133-IntroduceVariants.rst#finisheridentifier-string) tell us, that we can use the identifier from a finisher within a form variant condition like:
type: Form identifier: test label: test prototypeName: standard finishers: - identifier: EmailToReceiver options: subject: xxx recipientAddress: foo@example.com recipientName: xxx senderAddress: foo@example.com senderName: '' replyToAddress: '' carbonCopyAddress: '' blindCarbonCopyAddress: '' format: html attachUploads: true translation: language: '' renderables: - type: Page identifier: page-1 label: Step renderables: - type: Text identifier: text-1 label: 'Text 1' variants: - identifier: hide-1 renderingOptions: enabled: false condition: 'stepType == "SummaryPage" || finisherIdentifier in ["EmailToSender", "EmailToReceiver"]' - type: SummaryPage identifier: summarypage-1 label: 'Summary step'
The condition 'finisherIdentifier in ["EmailToSender", "EmailToReceiver"]' does not work because of a wrong implementation (https://github.com/TYPO3/TYPO3.CMS/blob/9.5/typo3/sysext/form/Classes/Domain/Runtime/FormRuntime.php#L1050). The finisherIdentifier is taken from the finisher implementaion class name without the "Finisher" appendix.
Since the EmailToSender and EmailToReceiver finishers are alias names for the EmailFinisher implementation, the result is the string "Email" within the condition variable "finisherIdentifier".