Bug #87763
closedDuplicate VariableName in routeEnhancer
Hello Core-Team,
I'm just trying to get my URLs for events2 working again. Here is my configuration:
routeEnhancers: Events2ShowPlugin: type: Extbase extension: Events2 plugin: Events routes: - routePath: '/show/{date}/{time}/{event_title}' _controller: 'Day::show' _arguments: date: timestamp time: timestamp event_title: event requirements: date: '\d+' event_title: '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+\-[0-9]+$' defaultController: 'Day::show' aspects: date: type: TimestampMapper format: 'Y-m-d' time: type: TimestampMapper format: 'Hi' event_title: type: PersistedPatternMapper tableName: 'tx_events2_domain_model_event' routeFieldPattern: '^(?P<title>.+)-(?P<uid>\d+)$' routeFieldResult: '{title}-{uid}'
I get the error message:
Route pattern "/extensions/events2/show/{tx_events2_events__timestamp}/{tx_events2_events__timestamp}/{tx_events2_events__event}" cannot reference variable name "tx_events2_events__timestamp" more than once.
That does not make sense as I have given them the name <date> and <time>. Is there a possibility to use my namings for these variables? Or you can number these Variables like in Doctrine :
Updated by Benni Mack almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Hey Stefan,
looks like you want to have to URL parts (slugs) being merged together into one variable? Is that right?
Updated by Stefan Froemken almost 6 years ago
Hi Benni,
I don't know if I understand you correct, because I want to use one GET-Parameter multiple times in my configuration. So I don't understand your "being merged together".
I have a timestamp as GET-Parameter and that should be converted to .../2019-05-24/1324/...
But maybe you see it from the other point of view: Yes, .../2019-05-24/1324/... should be merged into ONE GET-Parameter (timestamp)
Updated by Benni Mack almost 6 years ago
- Target version changed from next-patchlevel to Candidate for patchlevel
Updated by Benni Mack almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
Hey Stefan,
as chatted in Slack, this is the solution for your problem - a custom Aspect.