Epic #88540
closedReduce dependencies to TSFE in Frontend Request Workflow
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The Frontend Request Workflow has seen drastic separation
due to the introduction of PSR-15 (Middleware concept) and
the Context API in TYPO3 v9.
For TYPO3 v10, this now allows to further refactorings
to reduce dependencies to TSFE, allowing to run various
parts of TYPO3 Frontend without having a global TSFE object
in place.
The goal is to set up:
- Site + Language
- Redirects
- Page ID Resolving
- Page Argument Validation (cHash)
- Frontend + Backend User Authentication
before any TSFE dependency is in place.
Further refactorings can then happen as TSFE is scoped
more into parts of TYPO3.
Updated by Georg Ringer almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
closing this umbrella task for the time being
Updated by Stephan Großberndt almost 3 years ago
- Precedes Bug #97660: Use correct name of middleware in Breaking-88540-ChangedRequestWorkflowForFrontendRequests.rst added