



Bug #89498


FSC menu_categorized_content doesn't return content of non default language

Added by Jan Kiesewetter over 5 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

Should have
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A site with multible languages and categorised content elements.

On a overview page we use the fsc ctype menu_categorized_content to display all ces related to a branch (category).
On the page with the default language menu_categorized_content returns all ces related to the category. Perfect!
On the translated page menu_categorized_content doesn't return any ce.

After checking the sql query there are two problems.

Query in default language:

SELECT tt_content.* FROM `tt_content` INNER JOIN `sys_category_record_mm` ON uid = sys_category_record_mm.uid_foreign AND sys_category_record_mm.uid_local IN(18) WHERE (`tt_content`.`pid` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)) AND (tablenames='tt_content' and fieldname='categories') AND (`tt_content`.`sys_language_uid` IN (0, -1)) AND ((`tt_content`.`deleted` = 0) AND (`tt_content`.`t3ver_state` <= 0) AND (`tt_content`.`pid` <> -1) AND (`tt_content`.`hidden` = 0) AND (`tt_content`.`starttime` <= 1571910180) AND ((`tt_content`.`endtime` = 0) OR (`tt_content`.`endtime` > 1571910180)) AND (((`tt_content`.`fe_group` = '') OR (`tt_content`.`fe_group` IS NULL) OR (`tt_content`.`fe_group` = '0') OR (FIND_IN_SET('0', `tt_content`.`fe_group`)) OR (FIND_IN_SET('-2', `tt_content`.`fe_group`)) OR (FIND_IN_SET('13', `tt_content`.`fe_group`))))) GROUP BY `uid` ORDER BY `tt_content`.`header` ASC

Query in lang 1:

SELECT tt_content.* FROM `tt_content` INNER JOIN `sys_category_record_mm` ON uid = sys_category_record_mm.uid_foreign AND sys_category_record_mm.uid_local IN(18) WHERE (`tt_content`.`pid` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)) AND (tablenames='tt_content' and fieldname='0') AND (`tt_content`.`sys_language_uid` IN (0, -1)) AND ((`tt_content`.`deleted` = 0) AND (`tt_content`.`t3ver_state` <= 0) AND (`tt_content`.`pid` <> -1) AND (`tt_content`.`hidden` = 0) AND (`tt_content`.`starttime` <= 1571909640) AND ((`tt_content`.`endtime` = 0) OR (`tt_content`.`endtime` > 1571909640)) AND (((`tt_content`.`fe_group` = '') OR (`tt_content`.`fe_group` IS NULL) OR (`tt_content`.`fe_group` = '0') OR (FIND_IN_SET('0', `tt_content`.`fe_group`)) OR (FIND_IN_SET('-2', `tt_content`.`fe_group`)) OR (FIND_IN_SET('13', `tt_content`.`fe_group`))))) GROUP BY `uid` ORDER BY `tt_content`.`header` ASC

Problems in the query:


(tablenames='tt_content' and fieldname='0')

Seems like "data = field:category_field" returns 0 in non default lannguage.


(`tt_content`.`sys_language_uid` IN (0, -1)

It just queries default and all language records instead of the current language.

The first I have workedaround with fixing the fieldname

tt_content.menu_categorized_content.dataProcessing.10.where >
tt_content.menu_categorized_content.dataProcessing.10.where = {#tablenames}='tt_content' and {#fieldname}='categories'

For problem 2 I haven't a workaround yet.

Related issues 1 (1 open0 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Story #101565: Frontend related translation issuesNew2023-08-03

Actions #1

Updated by Jan Kiesewetter over 5 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #2

Updated by Jan Kiesewetter over 5 years ago

Here is a workaround that works completely:

tt_content {
  menu_categorized_content {
    dataProcessing {
      10 {
        # Disable default language handling because it would return "0, -1" even in non default language
        languageField = 0
        where > = field:sys_language_uid
        where.intval = 1
        # Build own language handling by using using sys_language_uid of the current ce
        where.wrap = {#tt_content.sys_language_uid} IN (|, -1) AND {#tablenames}='tt_content' AND {#fieldname}='categories'

This is just a workaround! I think at least the field:category_field function must be fixed to return the right field in non default languages.

I think the language probleme occurs because the selected category in the menu_categorized_content ce has always 0 as sys_language_uid because the category tree shows only default language categories.

Actions #3

Updated by Jan Kiesewetter over 5 years ago

Seems like
config.sys_language_overlay = 1
is responsible for the language problem.

Query with
config.sys_language_overlay = 1
config.sys_language_mode = content_fallback;0

SELECT tt_content.* FROM `tt_content` INNER JOIN `sys_category_record_mm` ON uid = sys_category_record_mm.uid_foreign AND sys_category_record_mm.uid_local IN(18) WHERE (`tt_content`.`pid` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)) AND (tablenames='tt_content' and fieldname='0') AND (`tt_content`.`sys_language_uid` IN (0, -1)) AND ((`tt_content`.`deleted` = 0) AND (`tt_content`.`t3ver_state` <= 0) AND (`tt_content`.`pid` <> -1) AND (`tt_content`.`hidden` = 0) AND (`tt_content`.`starttime` <= 1571922660) AND ((`tt_content`.`endtime` = 0) OR (`tt_content`.`endtime` > 1571922660)) AND (((`tt_content`.`fe_group` = '') OR (`tt_content`.`fe_group` IS NULL) OR (`tt_content`.`fe_group` = '0') OR (FIND_IN_SET('0', `tt_content`.`fe_group`)) OR (FIND_IN_SET('-2', `tt_content`.`fe_group`)) OR (FIND_IN_SET('13', `tt_content`.`fe_group`))))) GROUP BY `uid`

config.sys_language_overlay >
config.sys_language_mode = content_fallback;0

SELECT tt_content.* FROM `tt_content` INNER JOIN `sys_category_record_mm` ON uid = sys_category_record_mm.uid_foreign AND sys_category_record_mm.uid_local IN(18) WHERE (`tt_content`.`pid` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)) AND (tablenames='tt_content' and fieldname='0') AND (`tt_content`.`sys_language_uid` = 1) AND ((`tt_content`.`deleted` = 0) AND (`tt_content`.`t3ver_state` <= 0) AND (`tt_content`.`pid` <> -1) AND (`tt_content`.`hidden` = 0) AND (`tt_content`.`starttime` <= 1571922420) AND ((`tt_content`.`endtime` = 0) OR (`tt_content`.`endtime` > 1571922420)) AND (((`tt_content`.`fe_group` = '') OR (`tt_content`.`fe_group` IS NULL) OR (`tt_content`.`fe_group` = '0') OR (FIND_IN_SET('0', `tt_content`.`fe_group`)) OR (FIND_IN_SET('-2', `tt_content`.`fe_group`)) OR (FIND_IN_SET('13', `tt_content`.`fe_group`))))) GROUP BY `uid`

So the language problem is no problem because the IN (0, -1) is correct for to config.sys_language_overlay = 1. And the translation will happen in the next query.
In config.sys_language_overlay = 0 it's (`tt_content`.`sys_language_uid` = 1)

So the workaround would be for both overlay modes.

tt_content {
  menu_categorized_content {
    dataProcessing {
      10 { >
        where = categories

So problem is field:category_field returns 0 in none default language.

Actions #4

Updated by Susanne Moog almost 5 years ago

  • Category set to Localization
Actions #5

Updated by Jo Hasenau over 1 year ago

  • Related to Story #101565: Frontend related translation issues added

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