Bug #89671
openAllow for Collation in extbase repository queries
We are experiencing issues with sorting database results.
We use utf8_unicode_ci as collation in all our databases and string columns.
utf8_unicode_ci do not support the danish characters Æ,Ø,Å.
The character Å as sorted as A - giving us wrong sortings.
For example:
SELECT header FROM `tt_content` ORDER BY header ASC
A is the first letter in danish alphabet
Å is the last letter in danish alphabet
SELECT header FROM `tt_content` ORDER BY header COLLATE utf8_danish_ci ASC
A is the first letter in danish alphabet
Å is the last letter in danish alphabet
The easy fix is of course to change the database collation to utf8_danish_ci and get the sortings correct.
But we have quite a few multilanguagal sites using the same db and tables. So it would sort correctly in one language
but not in others and we would very much like to control the sorting from the typo3 side.
The problem: You can´t use COLLATE in Extbase repository queries for sort order using the query object.
So in a extbase repository you can do:
$orderings['title'] = QueryInterface::ORDER_DESCENDING;
But this will not work:
$orderings['title'] = 'COLLATE utf8_danish_ci '.QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING;
protected function parseOrderings(array $orderings, Qom\SourceInterface $source)
foreach ($orderings as $propertyName => $order) {
if ($order !== QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING && $order !== QueryInterface::ORDER_DESCENDING) {
throw new UnsupportedOrderException('Unsupported order encountered.', 1242816074);
What is the reason for this check in the parseOrderings function ?