



Bug #90103


<ce:link.clickEnlarge in the Partial /media/types/image.html => fatal-error when called with argument "dimensions: {width: data.imagewidth, height: data.imageheight}"!?

Added by Kurt Kunig about 5 years ago. Updated about 5 years ago.

Should have
Fluid Styled Content
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imagewidth, imageheight, database element type
Is Regression:
Sprint Focus:


In the database the tt_content elements "imagewidth" and "imageheight" have type "int(10)".
When you debug the data in the partial "media/type/image.html" [<f:debug>{dimensions}</f:debug> you'll see that the type of {data.width} and {data.height} is "double" and NOT "integer" like the DB-Fields!?

Building the dimension-argument for the partial="Media/Type/Image" like

<f:render partial="Media/Type/Image" arguments="{file: img, dimensions: {width: data.imagewidth, height: data.imageheight}, data: data, settings: settings}" />

the dimensions.width and .height will be integer and not double because data.imagewidth and data.imageheight are integer.

When you now set the checkbox for the image-zooming you'll get this error-message:

Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: Argument 1 passed to TYPO3\CMS\Core\TypoScript\TypoScriptService::convertPlainArrayToTypoScriptArray() must be of the type array, null given, called in /html/typo3/typo3_src-9.5.13/typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Classes/ViewHelpers/Link/ClickEnlargeViewHelper.php on line 78 | TypeError thrown in file /html/typo3/typo3_src-9.5.13/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/TypoScript/TypoScriptService.php in line 65. Requested URL:

So I tried this:
I modified the tt_content elements "imagewidth" and "imageheight" in the database to type "*double(12,0)*".

Result: NO ERROR any more!!!

So what's to do?
Either corrections in the ClickEnlargeViewHelper or change the db-datatypes of "imagewidth" and "imageheight" to double(12,0)


2020-01-13_170533.jpg (61.3 KB) 2020-01-13_170533.jpg Kurt Kunig, 2020-01-13 17:07
Actions #1

Updated by Kurt Kunig about 5 years ago


Actions #2

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Benjamin Kott to Kurt Kunig

@Kurt Kunig

With "deleted" you mean that this issue is no longer necessary? If it is so let me know and I'll close it.

Plus, I have seen the "double" with <f:debug>{dimensions}</f:debug> but I am not able to reproduce the error... could you post a step-by-step guide? Including the extension you used for the enlarging (if any)? - Of course if it is still necessary, I mean :)

Thank you.

Actions #3

Updated by Kurt Kunig about 5 years ago

Sorry the mistake is still there. I thought so but I put a link to the image, so the zoom didn't play a role.

I'm searching for that mistake for one and a half day and I cannot find what's wrong!?

Calling the partial media/type/image.html that way:
<f:render partial="Media/Type/Image" arguments="{file: img, dimensions: {width: data.imagewidth, height: data.imageheight}, data: data, settings: settings}" />

<ce:link.clickEnlarge image="{file}" configuration="{}">
<f:render partial="Media/Rendering/Image" arguments="{file: file, dimensions: dimensions, settings: settings}" />

the above mentioned error comes up.

without zooming:

<f:render partial="Media/Rendering/Image" arguments="{file: file, dimensions: dimensions, settings: settings}" />

it is okay.

Actions #4

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
  • Assignee deleted (Kurt Kunig)
Actions #5

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi about 5 years ago

I did the following

  • TYPO3 plain installation 9.5.13
  • Added a "text and image" content element to a page
  • Added an image (600x600px) - set imagewidth=300; image_zoom=1
  • Installed extension EXT:ns_all_lightbox - plain configuration, just enabled it with lightbox


- on frontend the image is clickable and no exception is thrown :/

P.S. PHP version: 7.2.7

Actions #6

Updated by Kurt Kunig about 5 years ago

What I did:
  • I created a gridelement with a DatabaseQueryProcessor as "gridelementContent" and a template called "accordion" e.g.
  • The template called a partial "PartAccordionElements"
  • This Partials includes a <f:for each="{gridelementContent}" as="child" iteration="i">-loop for all gridelement-children
  • In this for-loop a partial calla a partial="Media/PartGallery" (if images are included in the text&media gridelement-children)
  • In the partial PartGallery I called directly the partial="Media/Type/Image" with this arguments="{file: img, dimensions: {width: data.imagewidth, height: data.imageheight}, data: data, settings: settings}" />
  • and in that partial="Media/Type/Image" the error appears only when the zoom-parameter is set:
    <ce:link.clickEnlarge image="{file}" configuration="{}">
    <f:render partial="Media/Rendering/Image" arguments="{file: file, dimensions: dimensions, settings: settings}" />

I think that it has nothing to do with "double" or "integer" for width and height.

Actions #7

Updated by Kurt Kunig about 5 years ago

  • Subject changed from gallery dimension-data-types for width and height are different to the data.imagewidth and data.imageheight elements => fatal-error!? to <ce:link.clickEnlarge in the Partial /media/types/image.html => fatal-error when called with argument "dimensions: {width: data.imagewidth, height: data.imageheight}"!?

So the headline of my post is not correct and I should modify the headline.

Actions #8

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi about 5 years ago

@Kurt Kunig

Thank you for your reply;

Is it then a core issue or it happens only with gridelements? Can you reproduce it using just TYPO3?

If not, I would close it and ask you to open a similar ticket on - You can also ask on Slack

Actions #9

Updated by Kurt Kunig about 5 years ago

Yes, it happens only with gridelements!
So you can close it here for TYPO3 Core. I published it in
Thank's for all.

Actions #10

Updated by Susanne Moog about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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