Bug #91089
openEdit single Field of multiple rows forces unneeded Reload in list view
Steps to reproduce:
This behavior is the same in all Versions since at least V6
Create a normal Content element cType - "Text and Media" . create translation to some language ( de / it / fr .. )
switch to list view and activate : show only tt content elements
add "cType" to listed field list. Click on top of the list of Field "cTYPE" to edit alle translations.
change cTypefrom Standard to "Headline" or anything else ..
As TCA of this field is configured with onChange="reload" i get a popup with the question:
"Refresh Required"
This change will affect which fields are available in the form. Would you like to save now in order to refresh the display?
As in List Mode there ARE no other fields of that data record visible, this is a "useless" popup.
a very annoying UI issue if you did change the ctype with 16 translations, of 12 Pages ...