Bug #91467
closedUrldecoding does not work with conditioned Site configuration
Our deployment consists of three stages: 'Development', 'Testing' and 'Production'.
Using the same configuration for all three system (I just failed already at system two) with conditions failed as the Testing system onl yshows the start page for every generated URL.
this is the Environment as shown in phpinfo of the Environment module:
this is the siteconfiguration which works on the development system but fails on the Testing System:
and removing the condition and entering the configuration first place it works (and fails on the Development system):
TYPO3 9.5.18
PHP 7.2.5
Apache 20120211
Updated by Georg Ringer 7 months ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Hey bernd,
I can't reproduce that anymore and a lot happend since v9, therefore closing the issue. if this is still valid for you in v12/v13, please either open a new issue and reference this one or contact me on slack.