



Bug #93189


scheduler conflicts with argon2 password hashing

Added by Benny Bachmann over 3 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

Should have
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Hey there,
it's my first bug report here in the forum, so please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong over here.

My problem is the following. I have a typo 3 10.4 version running and I used the argon2 password hashing which worked fine at the beginning (I tested both argon2 versions and everything following appears for both of those versions). After I leave my system as it is for about one day I can't log into the backend anymore. Going into the install tool and adding a new admin user doen't work either, the only way it works to get access again is if I set the password hashing to bcrypt in the install tool and then create a new admin user. All other user account still do not work (their argon2 passwords are not automatically converted to bcrypt). I can then log in with the new admin user and change the user passwords of all other users manually and everything works again, but with bcrypt now. From here on I can switch again to argon2 and everything starts again like described above, it first works, until I leave the system alone.

Now the only thing that was running in the meantime while I was not logged into the system is the CronJob/Scheduler. It could be that a specific task is breaking things, but I would not know which one, for reference I list all the used tasks down below.

Now one thing that I noticed is, that the cli user that is automatically generated by the cron job has a bcrypt password, no matter if I have general password hashing set to argon2 or not, so I thought maybe that would break things. I tried to change the cli password manually which I probably should not do and it also did not work, because i got a php Memory allocation error.
Two more side notes here. The scheduler does not break things if it runs via CronJob while I am logged in, it only happens if I am logged out of the backend. And if this is important, my CronJob does not run with cli, but with cgi-fcgi.

Sorry for this long report, I don't really know what the problem is, maybe someone knows if that bcrypt cli password is wanted behaviour or not.
Thanks for any help, in the meantime I am successfully running on bcrypt, everything works here.

This is a list of my used scheduler tasks:
Caching framework garbage collection (scheduler), File Abstraction Layer: Update storage index (scheduler), File Abstraction Layer: Extract metadata in storage (scheduler), Table garbage collection (scheduler), Anonymize IP addresses in database tables (scheduler), Optimize MySQL database tables (scheduler), Execute console commands (scheduler), staticfilecache:boostQueue, Execute console commands (scheduler) cleanup:orphanrecords, Execute console commands (scheduler), cleanup:deletedrecords, Gelöschte Datensätze entfernen (recycler), Execute console commands (scheduler), form_to_database:deleteFormResults, Fileadmin garbage collection (scheduler)


TYPO3 Exception.html (25.8 KB) TYPO3 Exception.html Benny Bachmann, 2021-02-07 01:14

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