Bug #94160
closedExtensionComposerStatus breaks in non-composer mode
After upgrading some non-composer instances to 10.4.16 the t3monitoring_client begins to throw an TypeError on the eID request:
(1/1) TypeError Return value of TYPO3\CMS\Extensionmanager\Report\ExtensionComposerStatus::getRequest() must implement interface Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface, null returned in /****/typo3/sysext/extensionmanager/Classes/Report/ExtensionComposerStatus.php line 114
I debugged this issue a bit. Here are my findings:
The method getRequest simply returns $GLOBALS['TYPO3_REQUEST']
Composer based projects are working fine, they are returning an ServerRequest object:
Non-composer based projects and also the TYPO3-CMS 10.4 branch are returning null
Testet the output of the global at Line 114 in typo3/sysext/extensionmanager/Classes/Report/ExtensionComposerStatus.php while using the t3monitoring_client extension downloaded via TER
Seems strange to me that the glob var behaves differently depending on the composer mode.