



Feature #97308


Epic #98290: [UX] - Keep the house clean

[UX] - Notify the editor about content elements that have been hidden for a long time and could be deleted

Added by Lidia Demin over 2 years ago. Updated 4 months ago.

Should have
Backend User Interface
Target version:
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User Story

As an editor,
I want to be notified in the page module, if there are content elements on that page, which have been hidden for a long time,
so that I can delete them.

Acceptance criteria

  • The editor is notified that there are content elements on a page, that have been hidden for a long time.


Editors often tend to only hide content elements instead of deleting them (in case they need them later, or simply because they don't know how to restore them).
As a result, there are pages with a lot of hidden content elements, which are never used again, and thus could be deleted. This has a negative impact on the performance and the user experience.

The idea is to provide a notification for the editor, that the page could be cleaned up, and to suggest the elements to be deleted (e.g. elements that have been hidden longer than a certain amount of time).
The exact workflow and UX is open for discussion in order to find the best solution.

Actions #1

Updated by Georg Ringer over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

Thanks for creating this issue and present a very nice idea!

I like this proposal and fully understand the idea behind it. However I fear that this feature might not be really used by editors and I try to give some reasons:

  • many users just hide the hidden elements and really forget about those. as the elements are not shown, those also don't disturb and don't require any action for them.
  • notifications should really be only shown if relevant. the core simply doesn't know if hiding those elements are relevant or not. examples are content elements which are just shown for special days and are hidden on all other days or elements for winter/summer content switches
  • notifications should be able to be disabled which would lead to having no notifications at all which would make this feature worthless.

but on the positive side: this idea can be already be implemented by a 3rd party extension. Let me give some ideas: The page module got a lot of hooks/events. The one on the top is e.g. used by yoast_seo to show the preview. such hook could be used to show an info box of elements which are hidden and got a last edit day older than xxx days.

If you need help developing this extension feel free to ask at slack/twitter,... and there is a good chance that other developers/clients are interested in such feature.

as there are no plans for such feature in the core and it can be implemented easily with 3rd party code, I will close this issue. feel free to discuss with me personally on slack if you want to

Actions #2

Updated by Lidia Demin over 2 years ago

Thanks for your comments, Georg! Although you already closed it, I would like to clarify some things:

  • many users just hide the hidden elements and really forget about those. as the elements are not shown, those also don't disturb and don't require any action for them.

This is exactly why I suggested this feature. Having those "dead" content elements has a negative impact on performance on large pages. They are unnecessarily processed in some cases like upgrade scripts or display restrictions.

  • notifications should really be only shown if relevant. the core simply doesn't know if hiding those elements are relevant or not. examples are content elements which are just shown for special days and are hidden on all other days or elements for winter/summer content switches

Please note, that I'm only talking about elements that are really hidden (hidden = 1), not display restrictions like start and end time. Just as you suggested.

I'll think about the extension approach. This issue was a result of a discussion at the current community sprint, and I wanted to have some more feedback.

Actions #3

Updated by Annett Jähnichen about 2 years ago

  • Parent task set to #98290
Actions #4

Updated by Annett Jähnichen about 2 years ago

  • Subject changed from Notify the editor about content elements that have been hidden for a long time and could be deleted to [UX] - Notify the editor about content elements that have been hidden for a long time and could be deleted
  • Category set to Backend User Interface
  • Status changed from Rejected to On Hold
  • Assignee set to Annett Jähnichen
Actions #5

Updated by Georg Ringer 4 months ago

  • Status changed from On Hold to New

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