

Rachel Foucard


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 14 17 31


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Member 2022-12-19



13:28 TYPO3 Core Bug #104077: disabled icons are hard to differentiate from enabled icons
A "disabled button" is not ideal for UX. Even if we manage to agree on how to visually represent button dea...
Rachel Foucard


13:36 TYPO3 Core Task #99014: Better text for “Empty colpos“
Hello Georg,
here is a suggestion for the wording in screenshots.
Rachel Foucard


07:59 TYPO3 Core Bug #102331: z-index: Clear cache menu is hidden by flash messages.
Hello Marcin,
Thank you for working on this patch.
Centering the alert container won't solve the problem becaus...
Rachel Foucard


13:52 TYPO3 Core Bug #102331: z-index: Clear cache menu is hidden by flash messages.
the flash message z-index is good, because it's supposed to be hover anything in the interface, but it's pr...
Rachel Foucard


16:34 TYPO3 Core Feature #99425 (New): Move the delete button from the contents toolbars in the page module to the more action button
We want the editors stop hidding useless contents instead of deleting them, and cluttering their own workin...
Rachel Foucard
16:33 TYPO3 Core Feature #99424 (New): Make always accessible in the the page module's screen the toggles for hidden and unused contents visibility
We want the editors stop hidding useless contents instead of deleting them, and cluttering their own workin...
Rachel Foucard
16:28 TYPO3 Core Feature #99423 (New): Let editors remove/unlink content from colpos with an action button in the contents "more actions" button list
We want the editors stop hidding useless contents instead of deleting them, and cluttering their own workin...
Rachel Foucard
16:27 TYPO3 Core Feature #99422 (New): Show/hide unused content in the page module only if the user check/uncheck the "show unused content" checkbox
We want the editors stop hidding useless contents instead of deleting them, and cluttering their own workin...
Rachel Foucard
16:24 TYPO3 Core Feature #99421 (New): Replace delete confirmation modale to a notification with undo action for related cases
We want the editors stop hidding useless contents instead of deleting them, and cluttering their own workin...
Rachel Foucard
16:15 TYPO3 Core Feature #99420 (New): Rename "Delete" labels to "Move to recycler" for related cases
We want the editors stop hidding useless contents instead of deleting them, and cluttering their own workin...
Rachel Foucard

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