

Patrick Broens

  • Login: patrick
  • Registered on: 2008-04-22
  • Last sign in: 2024-09-03


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 134 134
Reported issues 3 141 144


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Contributor 2008-05-13



07:46 TYPO3 Core Bug #100694: Spontaneous BE logout with safari
For me it is not related to CKeditor, since this happens in modules and modals where CKeditor is not loaded at all Patrick Broens
06:34 TYPO3 Core Bug #100694: Spontaneous BE logout with safari
I can confirm this issue as well on MacOS Ventura 13.3.1, Safari 16.4, TYPO3 v12.4.1
It's not happening in every mod...
Patrick Broens


09:34 TYPO3 Core Bug #93714: Editors can't (recursively) restore records from Recycler
How to reproduce:
* Make a root page
* Switch to an editor which proper access
* Make a subpage of this root page
* ...
Patrick Broens
08:32 TYPO3 Core Bug #93714 (New): Editors can't (recursively) restore records from Recycler
As an admin you are able to restore page records with Recycler, as an editor you can't.
The following needs to be ...
Patrick Broens


14:09 TYPO3 Core Bug #91878: Fatal error in pagetree 9.5.20
I can confirm this as well.
We are not providing the drag and drop feature for new pages to our clients and we ha...
Patrick Broens


12:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #90469 (Resolved): Mountpoint information fetched for slug outside of site root
Applied in changeset commit:23ff5c0361f9a54eecd961119877d050d7c94bad. Patrick Broens
12:16 TYPO3 Core Revision 2f8e83f3: [BUGFIX] Allow multiple mountpoints with the same slug
When having a multisite setup using the same slugs pointing to the same
or other different mounted pages, the PageSlu...
Patrick Broens
12:16 TYPO3 Core Revision 23ff5c03: [BUGFIX] Allow multiple mountpoints with the same slug
When having a multisite setup using the same slugs pointing to the same
or other different mounted pages, the PageSlu...
Patrick Broens


06:13 TYPO3 Core Revision 548a10af: [BUGFIX] Fix thrown exception in history
When a logged in backend user is entering the history/undo functionality
for a certain page, which contains a deleted...
Patrick Broens
06:00 TYPO3 Core Bug #90963 (Resolved): History throws error for logged in user when it contains a deleted page
Applied in changeset commit:eb436b19b1376859098fd705bb6963c66d315753. Patrick Broens

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