Bug #101674
closedImprove user interface for selecting linktypes via checkboxes in Linkvalidator
The linkvalidator linktypes checkbox selector can be a bit tedious to use.
On initially using linkvalidator, all linktypes are usually deactivated by default. So you would have to activate them all, clicking 3 or more times (there may be more custom linktypes configured).
Also, if not just the Reports but the Check view is enabled, you have to repeat this again.
Possible improvement¶
Add a "Toggle all" checkbox as is already used in the SelectCheckBoxElement FormEngine renderType. (the FormEngine version can be looked at using the styleguide extension: list view, page "elements select"):
Implementation details¶
Since Linkvalidator uses Fluid for the view, we would probably have to write that from scratch.
Implement like FormEngine type="select", renderType="selectCheckBox".
- "Toggle all" gets checked as soon as all checkboxes are checked
- "Toggle all" gets unchecked when not all checkboxes are checked
- "Toggle all: if clicked will change state, e.g. if unchecked will change to checked and all checkboxes will be checked