Bug #102611
closedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\IconFactory::getIconForResource(): Argument #1 ($resource) must be of type TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceInterface, null given, called in /var/www/html/vendor/typo3/cms-core/Classes/ViewHelpers/IconForResourceViewHelper.php on lin
error while selecting Entry point [identifier] it shows TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\IconFactory::getIconForResource(): Argument #1 ($resource) must be of type TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceInterface, null given, called in /var/www/html/vendor/typo3/cms-core/Classes/ViewHelpers/IconForResourceViewHelper.php on line 72
is there anything from my side to do?
Updated by Garvin Hicking about 1 year ago
I just tried to reproduce in v12 and v13 and couldn't.
Created a filemount record, and if I try to save it with an empty identifier, I get a javascript validation error. Even if I disable the javascript error and submit an empty identifier it does work without showing the error you copied.
Are you using the most recent TYPO3 release for v12? Any custom or third-party-extensions that might expand your sys_filemount databasetable/tca?
Also, the full stacktrace of the error (with all output, be sure to strip any possible credentials or sensitive information) would be needed - plus a description what exactly you enter where, and what exactly triggers the error. The shortest way to reproduce the error (for you).
Updated by Vivek Solanki about 1 year ago
The solution was found in Is default storage, the default storage folder was not specified in my project
Thank you for the quick response
Updated by Stefan Froemken about 1 year ago
The question is: How you want to solve that issue?
Currently, I prefer adding a new check in "Environment Check" of InstallTool. What do you think?
Updated by Vivek Solanki 8 months ago
It would be great if we could get some information about filemount in the environment info. You guys can close this issue.