Bug #102738
closedfilter for backend users doesn't work
I noticed two things using the filter options for backend users and that the filter options might not work like expected:
In the following example the group "R Chefredakteur [ALL]" consists of multiple "role" groups like "R Chefredakteur Site A", "R Chefredakteur Site B", etc.
Several users have the group "R Chefredakteur [ALL]" but when I want to filter for this group, no users are listed in the result list.
Only after I cleared my username by clicking the "x" in the "Benutzername" field the filter works and right after that my name is again in the "Benutzername" field.
I can't clear the "Benutzername" field for good, so the name is present every time and will make the filter not work again the next time.
-> Is it possible that the filter will work even if there is a name in the "Benutzername" field? What pupose has the "Benutzername"-field anyways?
In the next example I wanted to know which users have the group "R Chefredakteur Site A".
Important is here that I expected that the result shows me all users who have either this group directly or indirectly (inherited from another group, e. g. "R Chefredakteure [ALL]").
If I want to filter for group "R Chefredakteur Site A", the list is empty again. The users with that specific group (directly assigned) are only shown after I clear my name in the "Benutzername" field.
Users who inherit that group through a parent group (indirectly assigned) doesn't show up.