Feature #103415
openUse meta title instead of filename in all filelists
As an editor, I would like to give files a title and use this in file lists (in the file list module or in the link browser popup) instead of the file name.
Background: Editors often upload files with sometimes cryptic file names. They are required to maintain metadata, which they do. However, when they search for files, only the file name appears in all lists. There is apparently no option to always use the meta title in these places and only use the file name as a fallback.
Note: The handling of file names has readability problems for editors. If I rename a file as an editor, individual characters are replaced, e.g. spaces become underscores. As an editor I also have to remember to keep the file extension, there is no check for this. If I as an editor maintain the title field, then the additional maintenance of the file name seems to be useless extra work. Especially as this is not possible in the same place, but requires a completely different click path.
Updated by Dan Kleine (Untenzu) 10 months ago
Updated by Garvin Hicking 6 months ago
- Category set to Backend User Interface
- Tags set to ui ux