Bug #103531
closedEnsure correct access for LazyLoadingProxy test
To harden the Extbase LazyLoadingProxy implementation
a new test has been added with #101400, which creates
a proxy directly and using ObjectAccess::getProperty()
to access a property of the not loadable child proxy
class instance.
Due to the use of magic methods`__get()` and `__isset()`
methods in the `LazyLoadingProxy` class and some wrong
assumptions of the Symfony PropertyAccessor simply null
has been retrieved even if the concrete class could not
been retrieved (property on a null value instead of an
object). The property accessor is used under the hood
within the Extbase internal ObjectAccess implementation.
The Symfony Team recently declared that behaviour a bug
and fixed it with releases `7.0.6` and `6.4.6` and now
correctly throwing the `PropertyNotAccessibleException`.
Failing nightlies with Symfony releases containing the
bugfix revealed a incorrect test implementation, using
a constructed and unrealistic construct.
[1] https://github.com/symfony/symfony/releases/tag/v7.0.6
[2] https://github.com/symfony/symfony/releases/tag/v6.4.6
[3] https://github.com/symfony/symfony/pull/54194