Bug #103803
Inaccessible Settings and Maintenance module when settings.php is not writable
Added by Patrick Schriner 9 months ago.
Updated 6 months ago.
Backend User Interface
If settings.php is not writable both modules can become inaccessible if a silentConfigurationUpdate has to be performed.
This can be the case e.g. in a highly secure hosting env. with old extension configuration.
- Status changed from New to Under Review
The current behavior caused me some trouble in v12 too: i installed typo3/cms-styleguide via composer require --dev since i only need it for my local instance to check on the registered icons.
Thus i got configuration in settings.php that was only valid for my local setup, but not the deployed instance since we skip dev dependencies.
settings.php is not writeable due to selinux and the backend module just crashed since it could not remove that section from settings.php
So if you put such config in a condition in additional.php you can't really use the backend config module properly etc., you risk accidental commits that reintroduce the config.
Having readonly config for production environments is a big plus, but currently it causes more problems than it solves
kann ich nicht mehr reproduzieren
- Status changed from Under Review to Closed
closed as can't be reproduced anymore
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