Bug #14150
closedt3lib_parsehtml: tags in comments are handled (incorrectly)
It seems that comments are parsed as well. This leads to problems if you have either remnants from earlier versions if your template or simply real comments with tags (or tag-like content).
The problem is that TV tries to close open tags (eg TDs) that are within a comment, but puts the closing tag outside the comment. Perhaps there are other issues/combinations, but that's what i've experienced.
IMHO everything inside a comment should be ignored at all.
Version 0.2.0 from TER
(issue imported from #M72)
Updated by Robert Lemke about 19 years ago
Although I admit that this is not the behaviour we want, it takes too much time for me currently fixing the issue. The problem lies in the way how t3lib_parsehtml handles comments.
I therefore move this bug to the core category. I'd be glad if someone takes care of this, as I won't in the near future.
Updated by Chris topher almost 15 years ago
According to Tobias Liebig on BugDay, this cannot be reproduced.
I close this one now after a long time without further feedback.