Bug #14868
closedxhtml_cleaning cleans HTML comments which is not wanted in any case (working patch included)
This problem regards Trackback [1] functionality of weblogs/EXT:timtab. To enable trackback autodiscovery for blog tools a peace of rdf code is place in a HTML comment. This way the page still validates and the trackback URL can be found by other sites automaticly. The rdf code looks like this:
when activating xhtml_cleaning this is transformed to
which can not be discovered by other sites automaticly. Therfore it is necessary to leave HTML comments untouched.
[1] http://www.sixapart.com/pronet/docs/trackback_spec
A working patch is provided is fully backwards compatible and thus should not do any harm to other functionalities. The patch was created against 3.8.0 final.
(issue imported from #M1292)
Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst over 19 years ago
the bugfix_1292.patch fixes the problem (it applies the patch by Ingo), it is only made against current CVS.
Greets, Sebastian
Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst about 19 years ago
I uploaded an updated version of the patch.
can you please confirm that it still works as expected? I am not fully sure of this...
Greets, Sebastian
Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst about 19 years ago
I talked about this issue with other core developers, and they have the opinion that the change will make TYPO3 slower. In the long term, xhtml_cleaning should be marked obsolete. The only "workaround" would be right now that you state in your manual that "xhtml_cleaning" is not allowed to be active.
Greets, Sebastian