Bug #14227
fe_adminLib: hard-coded Form URL, should be typolink
Added by Simon Ihmig over 20 years ago.
Updated over 18 years ago.
fe_adminLib.inc line 216:
$this->markerArray['###FORM_URL###'] = 'index.php?id='.$GLOBALS['TSFE']->id.'&type='.$GLOBALS['TSFE']->type.$this->nc.$this->conf['addParams'];
This breaks compatibility with any linkvars setups, like using 'L' to select the language. It should use the cObj->getTypoLink function to generate the link, so that features like linkvars and simulatestatic continue to work.
Occurs with dmail subscription as well as any other extension based on fe_adminLib.
(issue imported from #M200)
(This is something for 3.7, not for 3.6.2 so it's not that urgent.)
Please provide a patch (unified diff format) that we can easily apply to the fe_adminLib.inc and if there are other parts in the file which use hardcoded links, please fix them as well, thanks!
ihmig, are you still interested in getting this thing settled for 3.7?
If so, I'd like to renew my request for a patch.
Problem is that for example feuser_admin uses something like this in its template file:
When using typolinks, ###FORM_URL### could be replaced by something like "Page_1.228+M57867201f4a.0.html", which would lead to a bad URL in the example above, thus breaking compatibility with old setups!
Please test if the attached patch does what you want.
edited on: 19.09.04 19:29
The modified version I attached makes additionally "addParams" and the "target" parameter an stdWrap field. So this conforms more to the "typoLink" style documented in TSref. pherhaps the parameter should get renamed to additionalParams like for tyopLinks. Altough it has to stay downwards compatible for quite some time.
Diff attached
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