



Bug #14385


HMENU special=language does not work if L in linkvars

Added by old_pneff over 19 years ago. Updated almost 18 years ago.

Should have
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The 3.7 language menu generates a faulty URL for language switch. When rendering a page with the L querystring in the URL (e.g. index.php?id=10&L=2), the links in the language menu contain two L query strings (e.g. index.php?id=10&L=2&L=1).

This seems to happend only then L is in config.linkVars.

I have created a small patch which fixes the problem. Basically it removes the existing L parameter from $GLOBALS['TSFE']->linkVars before rendering the language menu. This is probably fault, because it would at least have to backup $GLOBALS['TSFE']->linkVars and set it back to the backuped value after the menu is generated (I'm really just guessing here).
(issue imported from #M490)


0000490-class.t3lib_tstemplate.php.diff (1.06 KB) 0000490-class.t3lib_tstemplate.php.diff Administrator Admin, 2005-03-24 17:52
class.tslib_content_2.diff (1.2 KB) class.tslib_content_2.diff Administrator Admin, 2005-04-06 22:22
class.t3lib_tstemplate_3.diff (1.17 KB) class.t3lib_tstemplate_3.diff Administrator Admin, 2005-04-07 13:53
class.t3lib_tstemplate_4.diff (1.05 KB) class.t3lib_tstemplate_4.diff Administrator Admin, 2005-04-07 13:53

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #15557: in relation to 0000490: HMENU special=language does not work if L in linkvarsClosed2006-02-02

Actions #1

Updated by Stefano Cecere over 19 years ago

i'd suggest to integrate the tt_news language_menu.php.. which solves problems with the GETvars, simulateStatics and realURL (also Satan's extesion does the same.. )

Actions #2

Updated by Stefano Cecere over 19 years ago

ops... i didn't absolutely wanted to write "Satan's"!!!
what a type-mistake :):)

maybe i wanted to write "Stan's" (referring to sr_language_menu ) :):)

ps: i'm absomutely not involved with any Satanic stuff aha ha ahah..

Actions #3

Updated by old_pneff over 19 years ago

The new patch uploaded by fhengartner fixes a problem with my first approach. Can we hope to see this problem fixed anytime soon?

Actions #4

Updated by Stefan Geith over 19 years ago

No, I think the correction has to be done in class.t3lib_tstemplate.php, function linkData - Line 1326:
$LD['linkVars'] = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->linkVars.$addParams;
if '&L=' is included in $addParams, then the corresponding '&L=' in
$LD['linkVars'] must be replaced.

Something like:
$LD['linkVars'] = ..removeDoubleParam($GLOBALS['TSFE']->linkVars).


Stefan Geith, typo3dev(at)

Actions #5

Updated by Stefan Geith over 19 years ago

The solution:
in class.t3lib_tstemplate.php, replace lines
1325 // linkVars
1326 $LD['linkVars'] = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->linkVars.$addParams;
// linkVars
$lV = Array();
$tmp = explode ('&',$GLOBALS['TSFE']->linkVars);
while(list($k,$e)=each($tmp)) if ($e) {
list($k,$v) = explode('=',$e);
$lV[$k] = $v;
$tmp = explode ('&',$addParams);
while(list($k,$e)=each($tmp)) if ($e) {
list($k,$v) = explode('=',$e);
$lV[$k] = $v;
$LD['linkVars'] = t3lib_div::implodeArrayForUrl('',$lV);

Actions #6

Updated by Rupert Germann over 19 years ago

the fix from Stefan is working for me. I made a diff file from it and atached it to this bug.
the other patchfiles (13.11.04 and 09.02.05 ) are not working at all -> nothing changes
(tested on 3.7.0 and 3.8.0 dev)

Actions #7

Updated by Michael Stucki about 19 years ago

Removed two diff attachments because they did not really solve the problem!

Actions #8

Updated by Michael Stucki about 19 years ago

I just replied to Stefan Geiths post in typo3-dev:
If you are still interested to have this fixed, please write a new patch based on the diff by Rupi which solves the problem.

Please add the requested config options and submit it on the bugtracker including some additional TSref description lines.

- michael

Actions #9

Updated by Rupert Germann about 19 years ago

I added a new patch which does the same as before, but now the use of the fix is configurable.

config.uniqueLinkVars = 1

will enable it.

Actions #10

Updated by Michael Stucki about 19 years ago

Thanks, Rupi. Will do that and confirm when done.

Actions #11

Updated by Rupert Germann about 19 years ago

the patch named (class.t3lib_tstemplate_3.diff) should need not so much processing time as the patches before.
I reduced it to 1 while loop and added a condition that ckecks if '$addParams' has a value before doing anything. This executes the the 'parameter-cleaning' only for the links from the language menu.
IMO the additional config parameter 'uniqueLinkVars' is now not needed anymore because the additional processing is only done with a few links. (I added this as patch class.t3lib_tstemplate_4.diff)

what so you think ?

Actions #12

Updated by Michael Stucki about 19 years ago

Hmm, finally found where this information belongs to (previously posted it in the wrong bug entry by mistake)


Kasper wrote:
- I wouild like the explode function to us ",2" as third parameter -
just to make sure it splits on only the first found "=". Only a
theoretical thing.

I agree with this. Changed it already on my local copy of the patch, so this is just for your information.


I'm still waiting for Kaspers go but think it should be fine to add it like you suggested in the patch which enables the feature by default (= no config option).

Actions #13

Updated by Michael Stucki about 19 years ago

Fixed in CVS


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