Bug #14465
closedBackend opens twice under Filelist menu
I recognized the bug everytime, when I go to the Filelist menu und select New from the context menu under fileadmin. If I select 2 folders and name them both als folders that allready exist, I get the standard worning message saying that these two folders do exsist. If I klick the continue butten the backend reloads itself into this frame.
I havend checked it, but maybe its just a _self marked Link instead of a _top maked link.
(issue imported from #M637)
Updated by Wolfgang Klinger almost 20 years ago
I can confirm such a behaviour in some circumstances!
Updated by Michael Scharkow almost 20 years ago
I can't reproduce this with the above description. Wolfgang, can you elaborate on the circumstances?
Updated by Mathias Schreiber over 18 years ago
TYPO3 Version too old.
The reported version is no longer maintained.
If this bug still persists in 4.0.1, please re-open it again and set the field "Product Version" to the corresponding version.