Bug #14512
closedError message while creating a new page
The following error message appears in the "content" box when trying to create a new page using TV's "Page" module:
Data Structure ERROR: No source value in fieldname "tx_templavoila_ds"
This message comes from class.t3lib_befunc.php, line 1010 and it is NOT LOCALIZED (not in locallang.php)!
It appers that this message can be (and should be) safely removed. It confuses users: they just started creating pages, did not do anything but already receive errors.
(issue imported from #M716)
Updated by Dmitry Dulepov about 20 years ago
Also not localized message on the line 1011: "No proper configuration!"
Updated by Robert Lemke about 19 years ago
I propose to remove the message output from getSingleField_typeFlex in TCEforms. Waiting for other core-dev's feedback.
Updated by Dmitry Dulepov almost 19 years ago
Another possibility is to change it from ERROR to Notice or something more friendly.
Updated by Susanne Moog over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
- Target version deleted (
0) - PHP Version deleted (
4) - TYPO3 Version set to 3.8
Closing as this concerns TemplaVoila and was probably fixed long since...
Updated by Michal Cygankiewicz almost 11 years ago
This behaviour still occur and may confuses users, I've just checked TYPO3 4.5, 4.7, 6.1.