



Bug #14855


Flexforms with non-UTF8-encoded values can't be saved with PHP5.

Added by René Wagner almost 19 years ago. Updated almost 18 years ago.

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Flexforms with non-UTF8-encoded values can't be saved with PHP5. The old value remains.

The Problem can be fixed in typo3/t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php line 1741:
$arrValue = t3lib_div::xml2array($xmlValue); change to:
$arrValue = t3lib_div::xml2array(''.chr(10).$xmlValue);

To avoid redundancy this must be hamonized with line 1772.
(issue imported from #M1273)


class.t3lib_tcemain.php.patch (1.05 KB) class.t3lib_tcemain.php.patch Administrator Admin, 2006-01-14 03:30
Actions #1

Updated by Rick Janda almost 19 years ago

I got the same problem with German umlauts. But everything worked fine after setting TYPO3_CONF_ VARS['BE'] ['forceCharset'] to utf-8 in the install tool.
Already inserted content has also been converted to utf-8 then.

Actions #2

Updated by René Wagner over 18 years ago

Nevertheless, it is not correct to create an xml-Structure without the header. And this fixes the bug for every charset. :)

Actions #3

Updated by René Wagner over 18 years ago

Problem still remains in Version 4.0beta1, although full PHP5-Compatibilty is offered and should be tested.

The problem is, for saving xml-Strings right charsets and xml-headers will be set. But for internal reasons, xml-strings without any headers will be used. This forces the descriped errors.

To know what i mean, simply look at the content of the $xmlValue-variable in line 1530 of tcemain Revision: 1.65 after saving an flexform (for example the new accessible tables).

Actions #4

Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst over 18 years ago

do you have time to have a look at this issue? That would be great :-) I don't have a deep experience in this.


Actions #5

Updated by Ingmar Schlecht over 18 years ago

I just turned the suggested solution into a unified diff patch.

Actions #6

Updated by René Wagner over 18 years ago

Does this patch mean, "No Correction in Core" or should i test this patch only. If so, the patch works for me, but its only a not decorative workaround and i corrected it, in missing the whole overview, the same.

But the same behaviour appears in class.t3lib_tceforms.php,v Line: 1895. The speaking method t3lib_div::xmlGetHeaderAttribs before runs also empty because of getting an headerless input.

The whole correction for PHP5 compatibility must situated at another File/Line. If i find time i will debug along, but you might be faster.

Actions #7

Updated by René Wagner over 18 years ago

Syntactically the output of t3lib_div::array2xml must be corrected.

This will caused many problems with extensions, that not expected an fully xml-file or corrected the wrong output by themself (doubled xml-headers occurs).

But every workaround makes correction of the wrong output more difficult, so the version change to 4.0 is a good reason to place such an hard difference. For compatibility reasons this can be parameterized by TS.

Actions #8

Updated by René Wagner over 18 years ago

Side effects in tcemain near the patched part (and the patch himself) and in method remapListedDBRecords() where the xml-output will be extended with a header before writing to db (Lines 1561 and 3609 in Rev.1.65).

Actions #9

Updated by Thomas Peterson over 18 years ago

I have edit in class.t3lib_div.php the xml2array function:

if ((double)phpversion()>=5) {

$theCharset = $ereg_result1 ? $ereg_result1 : ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['forceCharset'] ? $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['forceCharset'] : 'iso-8859-1');
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, $theCharset); // us-ascii / utf-8 / iso-8859-1

if($ereg_result==NULL) {
$string='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.$theCharset.'" standalone="yes" ?>'.$string;
//xml_parser_set_option($parser, 'UTF-8', $theCharset);
Actions #10

Updated by René Wagner over 18 years ago

Also a good idea. A workaround, but really a good idea to prevent side-effects. Could be a patch for 4.0. For 4.5 should be an overwhole correctionen the goal.

Actions #11

Updated by Kasper Skårhøj over 18 years ago

Hi Guys,

I finally had a look at this. Yes, PHP before version 5 was tolerant and didn't choke over the charset of the content. I think it sucks that they don't allow that anymore. The reason why we don't tag XML content in TYPO3 is because we use a global charset.
Anyway, I have added a new function array2xml_cs() which will add the XML prologue. The charset is taken from forceCharset if available, otherwise from LANG->charset and finally guessed. However, this definitely leads to trouble if people are using multiple backend languages but not forceCharset.
So now; either people manually add the XML prologue when using array2xml() OR they use array2xml_cs(). This should fix it for the future.

But what about the past; the problem is all the XML content which doesn't have the prologue! Recently I had a weird problem with a site moving from a PHP4 server to PHP5 and exactly this became a problem: That data structures were stored without prologue and contained iso-8859-1 chars! So one could argue that xml2array() executed under php5 should look for a prologue in the input XML and if not found add one assuming the charset like array2xml_cs() does today...

Well ,for now the issue is fixed for array2xml() but we could open a new discussion about the other one.


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