



Bug #16153


multilanguage flexforms are not accessible

Added by Tim Zech about 18 years ago. Updated almost 18 years ago.

Should have
Backend User Interface
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Because of same div-ids for each flexformlanguage only the last rendered flexform is accessible from each language flexform menu.

occours for example in newloginbox and dam_downloads extension. but i think it has something to do with generating the forms through typo3 core.

please correct if i did a mistake

install one of the above mentioned extensions in typo3 v4.0 and use at least two languages. try to add a content element with one of these extensions and try to edit the def-language.

using firefox and internetexplorer
(issue imported from #M3505)


class.t3lib_tceforms.php.patch (705 Bytes) class.t3lib_tceforms.php.patch Administrator Admin, 2006-06-07 03:28
Actions #1

Updated by Martin Kutschker about 18 years ago

IMHO the whole BE is not accessible at all. Fixing this small id problem doesn't solve the real issues, which is the usabilty.

Actions #2

Updated by Tim Zech about 18 years ago

So it is ok, that there will be no way with no browser to change preferences for each language?

i am not talking about accessible content.

i'm talking about no way to use multilanguage flexforms.

Actions #3

Updated by Martin Kutschker about 18 years ago

Oh, you mean the UI is broken for everyone... That's another issue.

Actions #4

Updated by Martin Kutschker about 18 years ago

Bernhard, you are my flex form hero :-)

Actions #5

Updated by Bernhard Kraft about 18 years ago

Do you mean the following issue/behaviour:

You have a flexform with multiple languages and TABs.

You are on TAB-A and select a different TAB.

Only the alternative languages switch over to the other TAB - the default language stays as it is ...

At least this occurs with the new skin.

Actions #6

Updated by Tim Zech about 18 years ago

thats exactly the behaviour i'm talking about. does this only rely to the new skin?

Actions #7

Updated by Bernhard Kraft about 18 years ago

Hmm ... I didn't realy investigate it but just noticed this newly-introduced Gremlin :( ... and how and when it happens (I notice such things without even noticing that I'm noticing it :)

AFAIR it didn't ever occur when I used the old skin ... but I might be wrong. Currently I have no development-multilanguage site I could test it one ... the one where I noticed it is already in production and I shouldn't touch anything there .... So could you please try to uninstall the new skin (you can easily reinstall it after the tests) and have a look if this still happens without it.

If it is just a problem with the new skin I will assign this bug to the proper person ....

Actions #8

Updated by Tim Zech about 18 years ago

so i figured out it happens with the default skin too!

the different language-tabs are generatet with ids like:

Menu/Tabs: id="DTM-afa0641dba-1-MENU"
Forms: id="DTM-afa0641dba-1-DIV"

these are identical for each language. i think the string in the middle should be something unique for each language. ids have to be unique otherwise they overwrite the ids before.

Actions #9

Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 18 years ago

I ran into this problem today...

Please try the attached patch. I believe it does fix the problem.

Actions #10

Updated by Tim Zech about 18 years ago

you're right, it does.

thank you.

Actions #11

Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 18 years ago

Fixed in CVS, branches HEAD and TYPO3_4-0. Should therefore be fixed in TYPO3 4.0.1.


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