Bug #16261
closedSpecial characters not correctly displayed on login-screen
When you specify custom labels for the login-screen in the Install Tool and have set BE[forceCharset] to e.g. utf-8, any non-ASCII characters in your login-labels are not displayed correctly.
The reason for this is quite tricky. The Install Tool doesn't specify a charset which to use when sending the input to the server. Most likely your browser will then choose the charset it uses to display the Install Tool. Unless otherwise specified in your browser's configuration, this is determined by the webserver - with Apache webservers (and most other servers, too) it is by default ISO8859-1. The Install Tool also uses this charset to save all sent values to localconf.php. But the login-screen is displayed in utf-8 or whatever you have set BE[forceCharset] to. So the ISO-encoded characters will be screwed up by the browser because it thinks the sent characters are utf-8.
A possible solution to this could be to generally encode localconf.php in UTF-8 and then perhaps convert the values back when loading them (as long as BE[forceCharset] is not utf-8, too). I don't know whether the encoding the browser used when sending is known to the browser, but if it is, this could be used to convert the sent form-data to utf-8 and then save it into localconf.php.
(issue imported from #M3702)